KOHAR All Time Armenian Favorites 3

26 May 2011


After much anticipation, HAYASA Productions LTD releases KOHAR’s, “All Time Armenian Favorites 3”. The 3 DVD’s feature over 6 hours of live concert at the Opera Theater of Damascus and the citadel amphitheater of Aleppo in 2009.


The production is in PCM Stereo and DTS 5.1 Surround. The video boasts of highly professional camera work that includes for the first time a Spidercam. This is evident why HAYASA’s productions are considered one of the greatest Armenian cultural releases with their own glamour that not only gives the enjoyment of watching the concert live but by also following the lyrics of the songs on your screen in Armenian and transliterated.

The second DVD also includes a 30 minute live documentary footage, of KOHAR on their tour of Damascus and Aleppo in 2009. The documentary material is very interesting and portrays the built up process of the stages in Damascus and Citadel of Aleppo with some short interviews including the executive producer, director, sound and light engineers. Maestro Sebouh Abcarian also depicts some heroic past associated with his father and the citadel.
The “must own” KOHAR – All Time Armenian Favorites 3 package comes with a 128 page song booklet that includes the lyrics of the songs in Armenian and transliterated.

This live in concert triple DVD package will also be sold at the KOHAR Concert with Stars of Armenia in Yerevan on 28 May 2011 at Liberty Square, Opera.
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